Digital Art_
Digitizing and tokenizing your artworks and providing state-of-the-art exhibition solutions in futuristic contexts.
What does this all mean?
Basically, we support you in the design process, the creation and animation of digital works and thus create unique digital art together.
Here you will find an overview of the various applications of digital art.
Why only own an analog work of art when you can have a digital copy that you can take with you wherever you go?
Using high-end imaging and scanning techniques, we digitize your artwork or products.
We are delighted to exploit the limitless possibilities of digital works: We can add animations to them, embed them in virtual realities or use 3D printing to transform them back into physical products in a different form, color or material.
Hier kannst du beispielhaft sehen, wie eine echte Bronzestatue – geschaffen vom Künstler Schröder – zu einem digitalen Kunstwerk wird und was der anschließende 3D-Druck ermöglicht hat.
1. Analog Art
Sculptures and other analogue art forms can be easily digitized using modern technology. This means they can be transported "digitally" anywhere and exhibited on a screen or as a 3D print.
2. Digitization
During a 3D scan, a laser scanner is guided once around the object. This creates a detailed digital copy. Recently, there have been apps that make it possible to carry out a simple 3D scan with your own smartphone.
3. Touch Up
Unevenness and additional details can occur during the scanning process. In addition, tripods and other supports are often visible in the scan. These need to be removed manually.
4. Digital Art
Digitized works can be animated and are used in many areas from museums to computer games. One increasingly popular application of digital art is NFTs.
Digital Art has traditionally struggled to secure copyrights. While it is easy to copy and save a random picture on the internet, it is more difficult to prove it’s authenticity or ownership.
Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) not only allow to identify the author and owner of an artwork without a doubt, but also bring many more benefits for artists with them. Programmable smart contracts on the blockchain for example allow royalties to be directly send to the artist each time the artwork is sold or flipped.
You need support with the tokenization of your art?
We have already published numerous NFTs in collections of various artists. We would be happy to do this for you too!
State-of-the-art presentation techniques
You always have your digital works with you on your phone or laptop. In addition to these two media, however, there are numerous other solutions for presenting digital art and NFTs that we believe should definitely be exploited.
Monitors with connection to blockchain
Monitors upgraded with a connection to the blockchain make it possible to display works of art in the company or at home in the same way as you would with an analog image.
It is also possible to rotate the works of art at specified intervals. The output of sound is also possible.
VR/AR goggles
Using suitable glasses, it is possible to view works of art in virtual reality and embed them in suitable contexts. Want to see your artwork from the inside? No problem, then walk right in! Do you own digital fish? Then take a look at them while you swim through an aquarium in virtual reality!
Would you like to bring your artwork or products to life for your customers? Then embed them in an interactive game!
Do you want your artwork to stand or float in the middle of the room? No problem, we have the technology to display your work in the form of holograms.
Digital works of art can also be impressively presented by projection.
On a screen? Theoretically, yes. Is this innovative? Rather less so.
But how about a facade, a ceiling, the floor or a tree in the garden? With suitable projectors, it is possible to present your work in any conceivable location.
Want to make your digital art come alive?
We create exciting analog or digital events! From NFT-based invitations to incredible locations in the metaverse, we make sure your guests will remember your event.
NFT Collections
Club Of Undetected Fishes
Michael Schaack, 2023
Michael Schaack is one of the most successful German animated film directors and producers; his award-winning works include the "Werner" series as well as "The Little Asshole" and "Pippi Longstocking". We were pleased to publish his first NFT collection.
The Club Of Undetected Fishes is a collection of 228 unique fish that can be divided into 10 species, 11 colors, 5 elements and 11 effects. The actual variety, rarity and subsequent value of each fish is even greater as more unique features are visible on each fish.
quantum suicide, 2023
quantum suicide is a German AI artist, musician and biotech entrepreneur. He uses artificial intelligence and various software to create atmospheric and immersive experiences using only a smartphone as a creative platform. We were honored to publish his 32 NFTs collection thirtytwolayers.
Digital Women Artists Who Changed History And My Life
Laura Notari, 2023
Laura Notari is an Argentinian artist and qualified accountant. Her colorful artworks are often a mixture of different colors and textures such as acrylic, oil, paper and fabric.
In collaboration with Laura, we brought her artwork to life using various animations and published it as an NFT collection.
We partner up with a variety of unique and renowned artists to bring high-quality art onto the digital stage. Whether it be paintings, photographies, music, movies, literature, digital sculptures or theatrical pieces, we have something for every collectors taste. We offer a diverse portfolio of high-value artworks manually created and digitized or completely created using the newest digital technologies.
Michael Schaack
Michael Schaack is one of the most successful German cartoon directors and producers. His award-winning works include the „Werner“ series as well as „Das kleine Arschloch“ and „Pippi Langstrumpf“.
NFT-Collection: Club Of Undetected Fishes
Schröder is a German sculptor, photographer, and music producer. Among others he produced the successful German band „Echt“. His artworks include naturalistic bronze statues that come to life in our metaverse.
Laura Notari
Laura Notari is an Argentinian artist and qualified accountant. Her colorful artworks are often a mixture of different colors and textures such as acrylic, oil, paper and fabric.
NFT-Collection: Digital Women Artists Who Changed History And My Life
quantum suicide
quantum suicide is a German AI artist, musician and biotech entrepreneur. Using artificial intelligence and various softwares, he creates atmospheric and immersive experiences, only using a smartphone as creative platform.
NFT-Collection: thirtytwolayers
Fields of Art_
Here you will find an overview of how the digital revolution can change the individual branches of art.